Work in Sports Newsletter vol 26

Wisconsin Baders job review, Diamondbacks featured job, & Whoop organization profile!

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This week we share a job review from the Wisconsin Badgers, and feature a cool Data job from the Arizona Diamondbacks! After another massive round of funding, Whoop is hiring for over 60+ positions so we break them down in this week’s organization profile. Check out new jobs from the Kansas City Chiefs, Wasserman, Carolina Panthers, Houston Astros, and MLS!

ICYMI: Our Special Report breaking down D&I and Pay data from hundreds of job reviews across the sports industry!

Weekly Jobs Recap

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Review of the Week



Organization Profile

Organization: Whoop

Industry: Tech, Fitness, Recovery

Location: Boston, MA

# of Openings: 68

# of Employees: 546

Category of open roles: Marketing, Talent, Operations, IT, Product, Membership Services, Finance, Sales, & Data

Featured Job: Business Analytics Manager- Apply below

Featured Job of the Week

CRM AnalystOrganization: Arizona DiamondbacksLocation: Phoenix, AZOverview: This role will support the Business Analytics and Ticket Sales teams by taking ownership of the day-to-day management of the club’s internal CRM system. This position will lead campaign development and analysis, lead generation and distribution, database administration, and other CRM functions.

  • Oversee day-to-day administration for the organization’s internal CRM application (including user management, data hygiene, and data manipulation).

  • Work with customer analyst and sales directors to coordinate lead distribution strategies for all plan, group, and suite sales, as well as season ticket member outbound campaigns.

Why we like it: We’ve received multiple great job reviews from individuals in the Diamondbacks organization, and this data-centric role is a great opportunity for someone with one or more years of experience to have ownership and responsibility for a professional team’s CRM application. Check out more details and apply below!

Category of Jobs

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  • Over 20 NEW jobs in sports added this week from top teams, organizations & brands with hundreds more added each week!

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  • High-Quality Jobs Only! NO unpaid internships, NO part-time food service jobs.

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  • Professional roles across a variety of skill sets like: Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Creative/Design, HR/People, Data/Analytics, IT, Accounting/Finance, Operations/Events, and more!

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